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Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of Open Source Software (Was Re: Package grub-xen-host breaks PV domains with 11.5 point release)

On Tue, 13 Sep 2022, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:

I agree with that. But the price-performance ratio could be even better if the "volunteers"
in free/oss software projects were not free to ignore bugs reported to them.

Pretty much everything worked for this grub bug other than some
unfortunate setting of priorities. The bug wasn't around long enough
that you can assume it was being ignored.

Yes, I agree there's some annoyance when volunteers ignore bugs that
have patches, there's one in ucf that has caused me no end of grief but
it's pretty easy to rebuild with patches and patches are easy to find.

There was that recent bash + ssh bug that I got lots of help with here a
few weeks ago. I have a patched bash - it would be nice not to have to
keep that but it's not a big deal.

I've been just as guilty the other way. I found a minor bug in dump but
it took me ages (probably years) to bother report it and then it was
fixed in a few days. Possibly I was the only person to encounter it and
when I couldn't fix it in five minutes I just put up with it and did

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