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Re: SOLVED:Re: repeat of previous question that hasgoneunansweredseveraltimes.

On Fri 12 May 2023 at 06:23:56 -0400, gene heskett wrote:


> I'm confused. There is not anything wrong with this machine as a Server.
> ALL of this muttering and bitching has been because bookworm clients did NOT
> work. buster clients work great.

"work(s)" is such vague term. I guess working and non-working are references

 > All of my bullseye machines are locked out, printer screen at
 > localhost:631 is empty, and no printers can be found and added

> How many times do I have to say it is/was a CLIENT problem that only exists
> for BOOKWORM clients.  The elephant in the room that most have ignored.

THe issue has been fully dealt with. In short:

  No local printers leads to an empty localhost:631 and 'lpstat -t'.

THere isn't any issue whatsoever. You seem very reluctant to incorporate this
basic fact into your thinking. THe room is empty.

May we have 'lpstat -t' from a buster machine that is not bpi54?


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