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Re: locate question

On 2023-11-07 at 11:32, gene heskett wrote:

> Greetings all;
> I dunno if I've forgot how to use it, or it broken by the same bug that 
> killing me with the lagging access to my home raid10.
> Fact: there are probably over 100 files in my /home/gene directory and 
> all its subs with assorted names ending in ".scad", made by OpenSCAD
> Fact: I just ran "sudo updatedb" and generated a new date just now,
> /var/cache/locate/locatedb.n
> so that s/b uptodate.
> Al of those files should be spit out by:
> "locate *.scad" issued from an xfce terminal
> but I get:
> gene@coyote:~$ locate *.scad
> /home/gene/vac_ctrl_box.scad
> /home/gene/xhome_cable.scad

Try instead:

$ locate '*.scad'

That should prevent the shell from expanding the wildcard before running
the command.

> Acc an ls -R|wc -l  there are
> 433179
> files in my /home/gene directory
> so locate isn't working as I think it should.
> try find but it finds the whole my whole local net:
> gene@coyote:~$ find .scad .  |wc -l
> find: ‘.scad’: No such file or directory
> 1176532


$ find . -name '*.scad'

> What am I doing wrong?

For locate, you're not quoting the arguments properly.

For find, you're also putting the arguments in the wrong order.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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