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Re: printing problem, markdown files

On 2/1/24 12:24, Dan Ritter wrote:
gene heskett wrote:
debian bookworm everting updated earlier this morning.

I have an about 125 page .md file I need hardcopy of.

If you don't have pandoc installed:

sudo apt install pandoc


pandoc -f markdown FILEIN.md -t pdf -o FILEOUT.pdf

will turn markdown into PDF, which you can probably print, if by
no other means than FTP to the printer itself. (Try it, Brothers
come with this by default.)

pandoc will translate all sorts of formats into many other
formats; if you don't want PDF, HTML, docx, rtf and even epub
are available.


Thanks DSR.

Scanning thru the docs I don't see anything that looks like what the print job shops of the last century called a "binding ditch". That is where the output file has say a 15mm blank space inserted on the left edge of odd numbered pages, while that same 15mm of blank space is inserted to the right of the text on even pages, leave a blank area to perfect bind the duplex pages w/o burying the text into the center crack of the opened pages. Have they adopted a new name for this?

Take care, stay well

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
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