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Re: printing problem, markdown files

gene heskett wrote: 
> On 2/1/24 12:24, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > gene heskett wrote:
> > pandoc -f markdown FILEIN.md -t pdf -o FILEOUT.pdf
> > 
> > will turn markdown into PDF, which you can probably print, if by
> > no other means than FTP to the printer itself. (Try it, Brothers
> > come with this by default.)
> > 
> Thanks DSR.
> Scanning thru the docs I don't see anything that looks like what the print
> job shops of the last century called a "binding ditch".  That is where the
> output file has say a 15mm blank space inserted on the left edge of odd
> numbered pages, while that same 15mm of blank space is inserted to the right
> of the text on even pages, leave a blank area to perfect bind the duplex
> pages w/o burying the text into the center crack of the opened pages. Have
> they adopted a new name for this?

Printers (the people) still call it that. 

You will also want to install latex ( apt install texlive-extra-utils 
will get you what you need)

pandoc options:

-V geometry:margin=1in

(all four sides)

-V geometry:left=3cm,right=3cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm

(separate values for each side)

and finally, what you probably want: 

-V geometry:twoside,left=15mm,right=30mm,top=2cm,bottom=3cm

I just tested that and it did a pretty nice job. My actual

pandoc -f markdown -t pdf -V geometry:twoside,left=15mm,right=30mm,top=2cm,bottom=3cm test.md -o foo.pdf


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