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Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 2:59 PM Marco Moock <mm@dorfdsl.de> wrote:
Am 01.02.2024 um 18:03:47 Uhr schrieb skoric@uns.ac.rs:

> I am not sure what do you mean by "install that architecture". I have
> been using i386 versions of Debian, and I do not plan to reinstall it
> now just because the CPU may allow that. So instead, I ask whether it
> was expected and properly when Synaptic installed lots of 64-bit
> stuff during Wine installation from repo. Was it ok or not? Or shall
> I remove it and follow instructions from WineHQ website?

According to documentation I found in the internet, it is possible to
upgrade a Debian system to the amd64 architecture.
Maybe do that, but do a full backup before.

i386 is dead for Debian, the next release won't be available for i386.

It is about time i386 is killed off. 64bit processors have been in production for over 20 years now. I am all for getting the most out of hardware but considering you can get a Intel Core2 Laptop with 4GB of RAM for less that $100 refurbished there is no real reason to keep i386 around.

As long as you have a i386 kernel, you can't use amd64 software on it.


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