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Re: How can we change the keyboard layout?

On 6 Feb 2024 00:11 +0100, from hw@adminart.net (hw):
> and for almost 30 years we had
> to manually switch on NumLock every time we started an X11 session

numlockx has been around since _at least_ 2002, so over 20 years.
Depending on your exact definition of "almost 30 years" that leaves a
gap of at most a few years.



May I humbly suggest that if you're having some issue, it might be
more productive if you ask how to solve that issue within the
environment you're using (whether GNOME on Wayland or Xfce on X11 or
plain virtual terminals at the console or a mix or whatever) than to
simply gripe about the issue and when someone suggests a possible
solution simply brush it off? Chances are that someone has an entirely
workable suggestion, if not an outright solution, which _would_ help;
but whether you intend them that way or not, your posts come across as
rather condescending or spiteful, which seems to me to likely put
people off from even reading them, severely reducing the pool of
people who might have an answer to share.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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