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Re: testing new sdm drive

On 2/8/24 15:11, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
On 09.02.2024 00:23, gene heskett wrote:
Looks neat. Any chance this will crash my machine? I have other design work going on, and I'd hate to have to start from scratch.
Well, it will consume CPU cycles for sure, at least to calculate md5 hashes and perform I/O on the target drive and RAM. I don't think it could crash the system, but the load could be significant enough to disturb your work, so if I was in your place I'd wait until the machine is free from any work or load and then test the new drive.

That is my intentions, but I'm in the middle of making a tronxy400-pro that has never worked so I using the frame to build a printer that works. Doing essentially the same with an Ender 5 Plus. Including klipper, a bpi5-m5, the whole MaryAnn. So OpenSCAD is busier than that famous cat on a tin roof.
With kindest regards, Alexander.
Take care yourself Alexander.

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Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
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