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Re: Bug#448532: RFS: phpmyvisites -- free web analytics

OoO La  nuit ayant  déjà recouvert  d'encre ce jour  du mercredi  21 mai
2008, vers 23:30, Frederic Lehobey <Frederic@Lehobey.net> disait:

>> About debian/copyright, you cannot ship  files using PHP License 2.02 or
>> PHP License  3.0. This will be  rejected by ftp-master.

>   That is what I feared at first (see #442361), but I found other
> packages (like php-html-common,
> http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/php-html-common/current/copyright,
> php-net-socket, php-xml-parser [3.0], all of which are in my
> dependencies) that are under PHP License 2.02 and already included in
> the archive.

I don't  remember exactly  how this is  handled, but those  licenses are
accepted only for PHP, as per REJECT FAQ:

I  suppose   that  the   packages  you  cite   were  here   before  this
statement.  There  are  bugs  filed  in  this  case.  For  example,  for
(not a very active bug)

This  is  quite unfair  that  already  packaged  packages can  keep  the
problematic  PHP  license  and  that  new  softwares  are  automatically
rejected on this  basis. You might ask on  debian-legal if the situation
has somewhat evolved on this situation.

>> You  seem to not
>> ship most of those files but  you still ship QuickForm. For other files,
>> you  should add  a notice  in debian/copyright  that the  files  are not
>> shipped with the package.

>   Very precisely, currently, the files of the dependencies _are_ in
> upstream tarball (and in the source package), but not _used_ by my
> package (using Debian packages instead). Do you mean I should remove
> all those files from upstream tarball and create some repackaged
> phpmyvisites.dfsg upstream sources?

No, those  files are allowed to  be distributed freely. Just  add a note
(above the license)  to tell that those files are  not shipped in binary
packages.  Otherwise, ftp-master  might be  a  bit quick  to reject  the

>> You should use  dbconfig-common to configure database. This  is not very
>> difficult and there  is a lot of packages using it.

>   Yes, I am willing to do it, but (as I said in README.Debian) I fear
> it will require quite heavy patching of upstream (there is an
> installation procedure quite intricately included in the rest of the
> code) and I am undecided about what would be the best way to do it. Do
> you have some example of other packages PHP where only _parts_ of the
> installation procedure has been diverted in order to take advantage of
> dbconfig-common?

I do it  for text-pattern: I just create the empty  database and let the
installation scripts  (a bit  patched) do the  remaining. This  is quite
intrusive  and difficult  to maintain:  textpattern was  also  trying to
create the  database. Since this is  not the case  for phpmyvisites, you
can try  to just create an  empty database with  dbconfig-common and let
phpmyvisites handle the remaining installation procedure.

> PS : I have fulfilled your Mail-Followup-To, but should
> dbconfig-common questions go to -mentors, -webapps or both? (I do not
> want to bother people).  :-)

Well, mentors is a good place  for all kind of questions. And webapps is
a good place too since we are talking about a webapp.
 Question: Comment s'écrit Jacoboni ?
 Réponse: Jacoboni, pas Jacobini.
 -+- fcol-faq in Guide du linuxien pervers - "Bien configurer son Jaco" -+-

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