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Re: Bug#448532: RFS: phpmyvisites -- free web analytics

Hi Frederic,

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:30:00PM +0200, Frederic Lehobey wrote:
> [...] 
> > You should use  dbconfig-common to configure database. This  is not very
> > difficult and there  is a lot of packages using it.
>   Yes, I am willing to do it, but (as I said in README.Debian) I fear
> it will require quite heavy patching of upstream (there is an
> installation procedure quite intricately included in the rest of the
> code) and I am undecided about what would be the best way to do it. Do
> you have some example of other packages PHP where only _parts_ of the
> installation procedure has been diverted in order to take advantage of
> dbconfig-common?
>   Should I completely rewrite an other installation procedure from
> scratch with _many_ debconf questions and templates (won't it be a
> debconf abuse?)? (I think it might be much simpler to implement.)

Im' using dbconfig-common to configure database for my pixelpost[1]  package.  I've replaced all the installation procedure built into the upstream sources by dbconfig-common and one additional debconf template.

Hope this can help you...


 [1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/pixelpost.html

> >                                                      You could also ship
> > Apache   configuration   in    /etc/apache2/conf.d   (with   a   debconf
> > question).
>   Yes, if I go using debconf, I can do this too.
> >            You can look at other web apps for some source of inspiration
> > on  this matter  (mediawiki, roundcube,  ...)  or at  the webapps  draft
> > policy.
>   Thanks again for your feedback. I will try to address all your
> suggestions (the license problem, I fear, been the most problematic
> one) and come back with an updated package.
> Best regards,
> Frédéric Lehobey
> PS : I have fulfilled your Mail-Followup-To, but should
> dbconfig-common questions go to -mentors, -webapps or both? (I do not
> want to bother people).   :-)
> -- 
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