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Re: Bug#37688: apt plus amnt cdrom is broke again

In message <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.990514231629.29618D-100000@Wakko.deltatee.com> you wr
>Uh um.. Either you are not running this on an intel machine or strace is
>-royally- messed up, these traces make very little sense, consider:

it's a sparc.

>fork()                                  = 24292
>wait4(24292, 0xeffff434, 0, NULL) = -1 ECHILD (No child processes)
>Wtf? There are other bizzar screw ups too.

I dunno... do you think we need to file a bug against strace?
I'm using rev. 3.99-1.

>Anyhow - examining the trace I belive that there is something wrong with
>the way it has ID'd the CD. Can you send me over a copy of
>/var/state/apt/cdroms.list - I have a theory..

Ok, included.

>Also, can you grab a copy of the source and edit methods/cdrom.cc arounds
>line 125 put this:
>and run apt with -qq and see what sorts of md5sums it prints.

Ok, I'll try that later.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>
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