1. 简介

This document informs users of the Debian distribution about major changes in version 13 (codenamed trixie).

The release notes provide information on how to upgrade safely from release 12 (codenamed bookworm) to the current release and inform users of known potential issues they could encounter in that process.

You can get the most recent version of this document from https://www.debian.org/releases/trixie/releasenotes.



请注意,我们仅支持从 Debian 的前一版本升级(对于本次发行,即为从 bookworm 升级)并对其提供说明文档。如果您需要从更早的版本升级,我们建议您先查看前一版本的发行说明,并先升级到 bookworm。

1.1. 报告文档错误


Nevertheless, if you think you have found a bug (incorrect information or information that is missing) in this documentation, please file a bug in the bug tracking system against the release-notes package. You might first want to review the existing bug reports in case the issue you've found has already been reported. Feel free to add additional information to existing bug reports if you can contribute content for this document.

We appreciate, and encourage, reports providing patches to the document's sources. You will find more information describing how to obtain the sources of this document in Sources for this document.

1.2. 贡献升级报告

We welcome any information from users related to upgrades from bookworm to trixie. If you are willing to share information please file a bug in the bug tracking system against the upgrade-reports package with your results. We request that you compress any attachments that are included (using gzip).


  • 在升级前后,软件包数据库的状态:dpkg 的状态数据库在 /var/lib/dpkg/statusapt 的软件包状态信息在 /var/lib/apt/extended_states。您应当在升级之前先根据 备份数据和配置文件 里的说明进行备份,但您也可以在 /var/backups 中找到 /var/lib/dpkg/status 文件的备份。

  • Session logs created using script, as described in 记录会话.

  • Your apt logs, available at /var/log/apt/term.log, or your aptitude logs, available at /var/log/aptitude.



1.3. 本文档的源文件

The source of this document is in reStructuredText format, using the sphinx converter. The HTML version is generated using sphinx-build -b html. The PDF version is generated using sphinx-build -b latex. Sources for the Release Notes are available in the Git repository of the Debian Documentation Project. You can use the web interface to access its files individually through the web and see their changes. For more information on how to access Git please consult the Debian Documentation Project VCS information pages.