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Re: [Debian-astro-maintainers] Erin Sheldon's fitsio,package Re: backport python-astropy for jessie? Bug#855761: ITP: adql -- Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries Bug#855776: ITP: skyview -- Image generation from a range of remote databases Bug#855779: ITP: kuropatkin-healpix -- Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization Bug#855780: ITP: ivoaregistry -- IVOA registry search Java library and tester Bug#855781: ITP: starjava-util -- Miscellaneous utilities for the Starjava classes Bug#855782: ITP: starjava-pal -- Starlink Positional Astronomy Library (Java version) Bug#855783: ITP: starjava-connect -- Abstract classes for persistent connections to remote services Bug#855784: ITP: starjava-table -- Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Bug#855785: ITP: starjava-array -- N-dimensional array manipulation and I/O in Java Bug#855786: ITP: starjava-registry -- Starlink IVOA registry access Bug#855787: ITP: starjava-task -- Java framework for invoking user-level tasks Bug#855790: ITP: starjava-fits -- Classes for general FITS handling Bug#855792: ITP: starjava-votable -- Classes for VOTable input and output Bug#855793: ITP: starjava-vo -- Virtual Observatory access classes Bug#855794: ITP: starjava-datanode -- Classes for hierarchical browsing of data structures Bug#855795: ITP: starjava-ttools -- Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set Bug#855797: ITP: starjava-topcat -- Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables ITP: astrodendro -- Generate a dendrogram from a dataset Picking up JEL packaging RFS: please upload python-astropy and its dependencies to jessie-backports Volunteers needed: Bring kernsuite packages to Debian The last update was on 15:15 GMT Thu Jun 06. There are 29 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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