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Bug#1001002: hg-git: autopkgtest needs update for new version of git: Merge made by the 'ort' strategy. Bug#1001237: ptl: autopkgtest regression on armhf: Floating point exception Bug#1001238: astropy breaks gwcs autopkgtest: module 'astropy.modeling.utils' has no attribute '_BoundingBox' Bug#1001241: dask.distributed: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: As of 3.10, the *loop* parameter was removed from Queue() since it is no longer necessary Bug#1001243: cloud-sptheme: autopkgtest needs update for new version of python3-defaults: python3.10: not found Bug#1001244: circuits: needs update for python3.10: 'Callable' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001289: colorclass: needs update for python3.10: 'Mapping' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001290: convertdate: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001291: binoculars: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3 versions but vtk7 extensions don't exist for all Bug#1001292: deepdiff: needs update for python3.10: 'Mapping' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001294: django-mailman3: FTBFS with python3.10 added to supported python3 versions Bug#1001295: dominate: needs update for python3.10: 'Callable' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001340: donfig: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001341: genetic: autopkgtest needs update for python3.10: 'Sequence' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001342: genshi: autopkgtest fails with python3.10 Bug#1001343: ipywidgets: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'Mapping' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001344: jaraco.itertools: needs update for python3.10: 'collections' has no attribute 'Mapping' Bug#1001345: jupyterlab-pygments: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001346: knack: needs update for python3.10: 'Iterable' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001347: legacy-api-wrap: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001363: nlopt: needs update for python3.10 in supported versions: No module named '_nlopt' Bug#1001365: pastel: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001366: plakati: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them,08-12-2021 23:05 Bug#1001367: pyeapi: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable' Bug#1001368: pygobject: autopkgtest needs update for python3.10: fails on output to stderr Bug#1001369: pymap3d: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: astropy.logger.LoggingError: Cannot disable warnings logging Bug#1001370: pymeeus: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001371: pytest-twisted: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: E {'warnings': 2} != {'warnings': 1} Bug#1001372: python-aiosmtpd: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001373: python-attrs: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: error text changed Bug#1001393: python-b2sdk: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: UploadUrlPool.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Bug#1001395: python-boto: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'Mapping' from 'collections' removed Bug#1001406: python-canmatrix: autopkgtest tests for all supported python3s but fails to install them Bug#1001410: python-csb: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict Bug#1001419: python-css-parser: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: Right exception, wrong message: got 'can't set attribute 'literalname'' instead of 'can't set attribute' Bug#1001421: python-launchpadlib: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableSet' Bug#1001422: python-mock: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: InvalidSpecError Bug#1001423: python-molotov: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: TypeError: gather() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop' Bug#1001424: python-nest-asyncio: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: TypeError: gather() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop' Bug#1001425: python-odoorpc: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping' Bug#1001426: python-pbr: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableSet' Bug#1001427: python-pygtrie: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping' Bug#1001428: python-pyknon: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableSequence' Bug#1001429: python-qtpy: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1001479: python-transitions: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: There is no current event loop Bug#1001480: python-validictory: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'Mapping' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001481: pythonmagick: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: undefined symbol: _ZTIN5boost6python15instance_holderE Bug#1001482: restrictedpython: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1001483: scoop: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'Iterable' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001484: sfepy: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: Sequence' from 'collections' is removed Bug#1001485: shellingham: autopkgtest tests all supported python3 versions but doesn't ensure they are installed Bug#1001486: sortedcollections: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableSet' Bug#1001487: sphinx-argparse: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: output changed Bug#1001488: toolz: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: Missing introspection for the following callables Bug#1001489: twodict: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: 'collections' has no attribute 'KeysView' Bug#1001490: vorta: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: Segmentation fault Bug#1001491: astroscrappy: autopkgtest regression on armhf Bug#1001535: busco: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10 Bug#1001538: python-hypothesis: test failures with python3.10 Bug#1001593: php-easyrdf: flaky autopkgtest: Unable to connect to localhost:10101 Bug#1001718: astroscrappy breaks ccdproc autopkgtest: detect_cosmics() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pssl' Bug#1001719: jenkins-job-builder: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1001721: pypy3: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1001722: python3.10: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1001726: node-mqtt-packet breaks node-mqtt-connection autopkgtest: Invalid header flag bits, must be 0x2 for pubrel Bug#1001727: python-aiohttp breaks postfix-mta-sts-resolver autopkgtest: Job for postfix-mta-sts-resolver.service failed Bug#1001728: python-aiohttp breaks dask autopkgtest: 'async_timeout' has no attribute 'Timeout' Bug#1001732: node-n3: autopkgtest regression: Cannot find module 'readable-stream' Bug#1001733: dh-sysuser: autopkgtest failure: FAILED: user _runit-log exists after purge or environment is not clean Bug#1001734: golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal: autopkgtest regression: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Bug#1001735: node-trust-keyto: autopkgtest regression: Cannot find module '@trust/keyto' Bug#1001736: typedload: autopkgtest regression: Library stubs not installed for "attr._make" (or incompatible with Python 3.7) Bug#1001764: mrgingham: autopkgtest failure with python3.10 as a supported version Bug#1001797: python-duckpy: autopkgtest tests all supported python3 versions but doesn't ensure they are installed Bug#1001801: dogtag-pki: hits autopkgtest timeout on powerful workers Bug#1001809: libsdl2/2.0.18 breaks osk-sdl autopkgtest: Testing osk toggle button and 'mouse' key input Bug#1001811: postgresql-mysql-fdw: autopkgtest regression on armhf and i386: failed to look up symbol "evalexpr_19_0" Bug#1001855: eslint breaks node-domino autopkgtest: Cannot find module 'js-yaml' Bug#1002522: chkrootkit: autopkgtest failure everywhere except amd64 Bug#1002523: setuptools-scm: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning is treated as error Bug#1002524: sqlobject: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1002525: r-cran-tmb: autopkgtest needs update for new version of rmatrix: Package version inconsistency detected. Bug#1002526: python-django-extensions: autopkgtest needs update for new version of pygments: textual change Bug#1002532: pygments breaks ruby-pygments.rb autopkgtest: UTF-8 != ASCII-8BIT Bug#1002533: wheel: autopkgtest needs update for new version of setuptools: deprecation warning on stderr Bug#1002541: libio-async-perl: autopkgtest regression on ppc64el: Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output Bug#1002542: python-requests-cache breaks howdoi autopkgtest: 'requests_cache' has no attribute 'install_cache' Bug#1002585: python-requests-cache breaks rows autopkgtest: 'requests_cache' has no attribute 'install_cache' Bug#1002586: pypandoc: autopkgtest regression: Pandoc died with exitcode "47" during conversion: pdflatex not found. Bug#1002588: wurlitzer: autopkgtest regression on ppc64el: AssertionError: assert 65536 == 32768 Bug#1002589: pyresample: (autopkgtest) needs update for python3.10: cannot import name 'ft2font' from partially How to replicate the CI environment? The last update was on 21:20 GMT Fri Dec 24. There are 96 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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