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Re: Why doesn't Debian use GNU su?

On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 10:12:28AM -0800, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <erbenson@alaska.net> writes:
>     Ethan> so things like pam_limits and such will not work either?
> That's right. Our su doesn't do any session management with PAM.
>     Ethan> so why does debian not use the GNU su?
> This is a VERY VERY good question. Our su is heavily patched to work
> like GNU su, and still does a poor job of it. Why don't we just use
> the GNU su in Red Hat's sh-utils package, since it's been patched for
> proper PAM support?

Where do you get that shadow's su does not use PAM session management?
Stop spreading bogus information.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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