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AW: fwtk´s copyright

>Von: 	Shaya Potter[SMTP:spotter@itd.nrl.navy.mil]

>On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Michael Meskes wrote:
>My read on this, is that they don't want us to make a commercial firewall 
>that uses fwtk's proxies.  We arn't making a firewall, all we are doing is 
>providing a service to our users so that they can install it with more ease.

They don't say firewall, they say product. And our CDs are products that
are sold. So it's non-free.
>All this tells me, is that we should ask TIS permission to put it in the 
>normal part of the distribution.  However, I don't think it can go in the 
>plain distribution for another reason.  Even if they give us permission 
>it's not GPL'd or in other terms, not freely modifiable, if I remember 

True. But my problem is that they do not allow us to configure the tools
for any end-user. Thus we aren't even allowed to put it into non-free.


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