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Re: Packaging HOWTO

Christian Schwarz writes:
 > IMHO we need a "Debian User's Guide". This guide should include all
 > existing documents (rewritten) and a few new ones. I think we should
 > discuss this further (perhaps on a newly created mailing list?).

Yes, a "Debian User's Guide" would make the debian distribution
much more useful and attractive!

 > Note that I _DONT_ want to have a single SGML-source for that document. We
 > should keep this as decentralized as Debian is now. However, I would like
 > to create a "framework" for the user that wants to get the information and
 > doesn't know where to look.
 > I'm thinking about making this TOC a HTML-Page which refers to the
 > currently available documents. Of course, the documents will have to be
 > changed to have some common layout.

Please do so. This HTML-page can also serve as a framework for
the work on the manual. Let's decide upon a TOC split into
chapters and sections, and then find authors for each section.
As soon as a section is ready for the public, we can add a
link to it.

 > But we could also make some printable version of this (SGML->Latex->PS). I
 > certainly like the idea of having a "Debian User's Guide".

Whenever the stuff is written, it should be an easy task to rewrite it
in SGML and make it an "official" document.


Göran Andersson <goran_a@maths.lth.se>

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