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Re: pristine sources?

> The new procedure is:
> Unpack the upstream source into <package>-<version>.
> Rename the upstream source file into <package>-<version>.orig.tar.gz.
> Add the debian directories, do a dpkg-buildpackage.

so, if a debian .orig.tar.gz has the same md5sum like on tar.gz on
sunsite, it is a pristine source. if it has a different md5sum, it could
be :
a) a modified tar.gz
b) a orig.tar.gz created by debian

as far as i understood, pristine sources should add more security, so we
can directly compare our md5sums with those of sunsite and other
servers. but where is the sence, if we never now, if a file is pristine
source, or a source modified by us ? 

i know : we can look into the tar, and if it unpacks in *orig/, we
modified it. but some name convention or so could be better ?


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