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"free" command stuffed

I have just updated my servers to the latest stuff in bo (arrived on my
mirror on Saturday).  The free command now gives weird output, like this:

ns1# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        386536     380196       6340      22472     202704
-/+ buffers:           177492    3997940
Swap:       130748        380     130368      69604

The second line figures do not add up with the first line---according to
the second line I have over 4GB of RAM (I wish!).  The other machines
report similar crap.  Also the Swap line has an extranumber at the end
that I think doesn't belong!  Have others noticed this?

Richard Shepherd (richards@waikato.ac.nz)
Phone: 07-838-4764

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