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RMS' call on GPL-ed binaries that use Motif

> From: Richard Stallman <rms@santafe.edu>
      [From: Bruce Perens]
>     Can GPL-ed programs that are static-linked with Motif be distributed
>     if the source to Motif is not distributed?
> Only if the executables have been built for an operating system which
> comes with Motif--and only if those distributing these executables are
> not the ones who distribute the operating system.
> It makes no difference whether the linking is static or dynamic.  The
> criterion is the same either way.

One would expect this is the same for XForms. If you could tell me what
GPL-ed programs use Motif and XForms (and any other similar situations),
I will forward that information to Richard and let _him_ contact their


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