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Re: svgalibg1 | svgalibg-dummyg1 considered harmful

Roman Hodek <rnhodek@faui22c.informatik.uni-erlangen.de> writes:

> Your suggestion seems to be:
>  - Both packages still Conflict&Replace each other.
>  - svgalib-dummyg1 doesn't anymore Provide: svgalibg1
>  - The shlibs file just contains "svgalibg1" as dependency
>  - Packages that can work with the dummy lib replace the dependency
>    somehow by "svgalibg1|svgalib-dummyg1".


> Seems ok so far, just it's not very clean/easy to override
> dpkg-shlibdeps' output, is it?

I agree it's not clean (I don't think it's desperately hard though,
[except maybe for people who think debmake is the only way to package
things]), but what's the alternative?  The ludicrous situation where
dpkg will happily allow you install a package which is functionally

And since it's only for 6 packages I think it should be done.  (joeyh
is the maintainer for 3 of those 6, and AIUI he is happy to do the
requisite uncleanness)


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