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prepackaged Debian GNU/Linux

i have almost convinced the person in charge of stocking the computer
software at the Student Union Bookstore here at Oklahoma State
University to start stocking some boxed Linux sets.  This would most
easily come as the SAMS Redhat Package or the official RedHat boxed
package.  I think it would be awesome to see it sold there.  however,
i would also like to see debian being sold there.  (since afterall, it
is the best disribution :-)

anyways, the point of this email is to ask if anyone knows of a
company actually boxing and selling Debian?  if not, why not?

i think something debian needs is an actual company behind them.  i am
not saying we forget the non-profit status.  but maybe a seperate but
still connected company which produces a manual and packages and sells
debian.  like redhat, this would do alot to further the usage of our

one more thing.  i will probably be purchasing ApplixWare soon (an
office suite produced by RedHat.  it is something i need as a student
and hear that ApplixWare is good.  Anyways, (not that i think we would
suceed in this) but it would be neat to convince RedHat to package it
so that Debian users could by it in actual .deb fromat and not have to
install it with RPM.  i am going to call and ask them about this
tomorrow.  if there is anyone else who is interested in this, give
them a call also.

Brought to you by the letters E and K and the number 9.

Paul J. Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu>

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