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Re: x11 games section

Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> Can somebody now why it _seems_ to be recommended to do this:
> rwxr-sr-x root games  filename
> rw-rw-r-- root games  scores
> i.e what happens when it is run by:
> a) root
> b) someone in the games group
> c) someone not in the games group

In all cases, the game runs sgid to group games, which means that it can
write to "scores".

According to policy section 4.8, paragraph 3:

     Games which require protected, privileged access to high-score files,
     savegames, etc., must be made set-*group*-id (mode 2755) and owned by
     `root.games', and use files and directories with appropriate
     permissions (770 `root.games', for example). They must *not* be made
     set-*user*-id, as this causes security problems. 

see shy jo, who loves quoting policy

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