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Problems with getpwnam(), rxvt, utmp...

Hi fellow developers,

	last night I had a problem that drove me crazy before
I discovered the causes...

	To put it simply an ObjC program that always worked
before, begun to core-dump just as started. OK, lets use gdb and...
the error is in an obscure function called _nss_db_getpwnam_r(),
in the glibc2 library. OK, that is called by getpwnam() (I know
this one) but why I get that error? After half an hour of
tinkering I discovered that running the program in an XTerm
(I use rxvt) make the core-dump disappear...

	Then I remembered that dpkg-buildpackage tell me
something about w/utmp being not set if runned from rxvt...
maybe is the same problem but only glibc2 reacts worse
than dpkg-buildpackage?

	I dont know if this is a bug (I think no) but how can I
resolve it? I tried to use sessreg to add utmp entries and
to play with the -/+u option of rxvt but the core-dump's still
there. I dont know very well the utmp/wtmp stuff and I
can't imagine what is going out there.

	Anticipated thanks and ciao!

************************    ____************************************
* Federico Di Gregorio  |  /      *-=$< ;-) TeX Wizard?            *
* Debian developer!     | / -1    pgp: finger fog@perosa.alpcom.it *
* <friend of penguins>  |/        try http://www.debian.org        *
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