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libc6 programs on a bo system?

What's a good way to run libc6 programs on a bo system?  I have yet to
be able to accomplish this feat nicely.  I often run into problems
with the utmp database -- logins not being recorded or analysis
programs crashing.  The compiler doesn't work anymore because
libc5-dev apparently conflicts with libc6 or something, so to even get
basic header files like stdio.h, one must install libc6-dev.  Then I
must install libc5-altdev to be able to compile for libc5, but there
are no instructions in that package describing how to use it.

So this leaves me in the position that I can compile my packages for
libc6 on my 486 but I cannot test them.  I dislike this.


John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | Debian GNU/Linux is a free replacement for
jgoerzen@complete.org | DOS/Windows -- check it out at www.debian.org.

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