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Re: libc6 programs on a bo system?

On 14 Oct 1997, John Goerzen wrote:

> What's a good way to run libc6 programs on a bo system?  I have yet to
> be able to accomplish this feat nicely.  I often run into problems
> with the utmp database -- logins not being recorded or analysis
> programs crashing.  The compiler doesn't work anymore because
> libc5-dev apparently conflicts with libc6 or something, so to even get
> basic header files like stdio.h, one must install libc6-dev.  Then I
> must install libc5-altdev to be able to compile for libc5, but there
> are no instructions in that package describing how to use it.

Okay, since I steped up and wrote the Mini-HOWTO on how to upgrade your
system (which has become slightly out of date with the new libc5 update to
stable), I'll see what I can do to help.  The utmp/wtmp corruption is a
known problem with libc6 expanding the format of the files.  The only real
solution to that problem is to upgrade all the programs that need to know
about utmp/wtmp.

When compiling libc5 programs when using the '-altdev' packages requires
you to have altgcc.  Once you have that installed, placing
"/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/bin" at the beginning of your path will cause your
compilations to target libc5 (as long as the makefile doesn't do stupid
things like hardcode the location of gcc).  To compile for libc6 with
libc6-dev, you need to upgrade gcc.

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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