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Upgrade report (bo -> hamm)

I came by a spare 486 and decided I might as well upgrade to hamm for
package development.  Well, not quite such a good idea, it seems :-)

The most serious problem was that for some reason, libreadline ended up
in a bad intermediate state.  This meant that dpkg, etc. refused to
run.  I eventually got this fixed by some manual manipulation.  Then
the same thing happened to libncurses.  This one was fixed by manually
running ldconfig.

A less serious problem: LOTS of new packages perhaps Conflict with the
existing packages with different names but do not Replace them.  This
means that you can end up with some old packages on a new system.

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | Debian GNU/Linux is a free replacement for
jgoerzen@complete.org | DOS/Windows -- check it out at www.debian.org.

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