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Re: Rules of discourse for the mailing lists

> Lately we are getting a lot of posts which would be better suited to
> debian-user.  A charter for each group might be useful.  For example,
> ask for help with packaging issues on debian-devel.  Ask for help with
> other things on debian-user.

really? I've always been of the impression that debian-user is
for "stable" only. Any problem seen on an "unstable" system
should not be addressed to debian-user, as far as I know.

I do think it's good to keep debian-user for "stable" only, as
problems like "I just installed foo, and suddenly my HD turned
into dust" will probably scare debian-users and make them think debian
is not a good distribution.

On the other hand, debian-devel is getting quite busy, with many people
asking "silly"[1], repetitive questions about hamm problems that most
"knowledge" developpers know by now.

So, why not split[2] the debian-devel? Let there be:

 debian-unstable:For everybody who runs "unstable", and wants to
                 report problems with it, possibly asking stupid questions.
		 A sort-of "debian-user" for the "unstable" dist.

 debian-devel    An open forum for asking questions about packaging
                 problems, but not for possibly "silly" problems
		 with hamm. Non-developpers may lurk, but are
		 discoraged to post (I think a discoragement is
		 enough. Most users wouldn't want annoy developpers
		 and they can always post their problems on debian-unstable)
		 Only people that frequently read debian-devel
		 are encouraged to post here.

[1] For the poster, it's often dificult to decide whether something is
    a "silly" question or not. But even silly questions have to be
    asked sometimes, and it's good to have an open forum for silly questions
    about unstable.

[2] Splitting mailinglist is the eternal answer to everery problem, I know.
    I realise it also very often isn't as good a solution as it may seem
    at first. But here, as there do seem to be many people that dislike
    the "silly" questions on debian-devel, I'd say splitting may indeed be
    a good solution.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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