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Re: prepackaged Debian GNU/Linux

  Joost> The problem with that is called "copyright" (or was it "licence")?
  Joost> Yes, that's it. I remember a discussion on debian-devel recently.
  Joost> Some people don't want their name distributed. Or they don't want
  Joost> the list in which their name appears to be mutulated. And how are
  Joost> you going to guarantee your t-shirt isn't gonna get bad tomato-sauce
  Joost> stains?  Or, get holes in it? Nah, there's no way you can make a
  Joost> T-shirt with the names of debian developpers this way.

ROTFL ... the only good comment so far on the abstruse thread that came out
of the innocent xearth database idea.

 edd@debian.org   http://rosebud.sps.queensu.ca/~edd   PGP KeyID 1024/6D7F08DD

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