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Re: No Debian/MIPS (was: More Linux/SGI status) (fwd)


I don't think it's necessary to shed any tears about the MIPS port.

Now that SGI has announced that they are switching from their own MIPS
architecture to Intel, I don't expect to see too many more of those
CPUs or systems running them. SGI wrote off what they spent to buy MIPS,
and their stock is in the toilet.

It would be really nice if we _could_ develop a MIPS port for Debian, but
nobody can get their hands on a kernel! I hear SGI Octanes run OK, but
do you know what an Octane costs? I have Octanes at work, they are
_way_ to expensive and their hardware is flaky, too. We only have them
because of the graphics engine, and better graphics engines are coming
out on PCI bus cards from E&S, Diamond, etc.

When I can get a kernel for my R3000 or my R4000 DECStations, I'll put
them where people can work on them. For now, I see no point in
cross-compiling when there's no hardware. I'd rather work on ALPHA or
PowerPC or 68k, because I can get a system to run my work on!


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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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