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Re: Postfix as default MTA?

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 02:29:36PM +0200, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> Instead of arguing for or against postfix you should just try it.

(Personally, I intend to do this. Some of the comments to this list
have sounded very nice)

> The whole discussions seems to be between those who tried postfix
> and would love to see it as THE default MTA and those who never
> ever tried postfix and arguing for status QUO ...

At the moment, ttbomk, there's no question: postfix doesn't (apparently)
have a easy-to-configure postinst. And since the benefits of postfix
are mostly arcane (higher performance, which *generally* doesn't matter;
and while a better security architecture is a Good Thing, exim is still
a very well written piece of software --- afaict it's had exactly one
security related fix in it's history as a Debian package), there doesn't
seem much reason to rush.

> I am arguing pro postfix because i tried a lot MTAs and did NOT switch
> from sendmail (which is partially horrible) because all the MTAs had
> some very anoying side effects, no support for uucp and were 
> configured worse than sendmail. 

Just one other note. I'm using exim with UUCP (over TCP) quite happily
here. It's a *brilliant* system for coping with a bunch of *@foo.corp.com
and *@bar.corp.com addresses than having a zillion and one POP accounts.

I copied the UUCP example basically straight from the docs, too.

> Enough discussion - try it ...

Here's to hoping the debadmin people get enough free time to try it out
on *.debian.org.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. PGP encrypted mail preferred.

       ``There's nothing worse than people with a clue.
             They're always disagreeing with you.'' 
                                 -- Andrew Over

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