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Re: broadcast error messages, unofficial Debian 12

Hi Alan,

debian-devel is for discussion of the development of debian. Your
query appears to be user support, which takes place on debian-user.
I've set Reply-To: debian-user.

On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 02:52:11PM -0500, Alan Corey wrote:
> I can have 2 or more Zutty terminal windows running to work on a
> program. When I get a compiling error in one terminal it gets
> broadcast to both windows.
> This particular error is not anything in my code, I don't recognize any of
> it, but it shows up because I had a warning in my stuff:
>  W [main.cc:1161] (Unimplemented) unhandled OSC: '8;;
> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-Wunused-but-set-variable
> '
> W [main.cc:1161] (Unimplemented) unhandled OSC: '8;;'

I'm not familiar with Zutty but this message appears to come from
your terminal, Zutty, which also explains why it appears in all of
your terminal windows.

An example of suxh a Zutty diagnostic is here:


though it is not your specific one.

So, you probably want to seek support from Zutty, e.g. at their
github issues.


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