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Re: finally end single-person maintainership

On Tue, 09 Apr 2024 17:52:43 +0100, Wookey wrote:

> On 2024-04-08 21:44 +0900, Simon Richter wrote:
> > Testing a package requires me to
> > commit everything into git first, so I have to remember to squash all these
> > commits later.
> Right - this was (one of the) main thing(s) that annoyed me enough to
> just go back to the non-git based workflow. I want to make changes and
> try them. I don't want to have to commit every damn time - it's not
> done yet - I'll commit it after I'm satisfied that it works.

In my git workflow I never make a commit when I first want to try
something out; specifically with git-buildpackage:

% cat ~/.gbp.conf 

export = WC

("WC" as in "working copy", i.e. the directory as it is right now).

> The point here is that 'requiring salsa' is actually code for 'no,
> you can't just use the tarball-based VCS any more - you have to use
> git'.

Currently many people and teams still start from tarballs even when
using git, via the pristine-tar tool and a pristine-tar branch.

> Josch's suggestion that just recording the workflow in metadata would
> be useful is a good one.

Here I disagree because I remember that we (pkg-perl) had to put
hundreds of README.source files into packages saying "This package
uses quilt, quilt documentation is $over_there" because policy
mandated it; and a few years later we removed them again after a
policy change (or was it the switch to source format "3.0 (quilt)"?).
So please no README.source with "This package used gbp with
patches-unapplied and yadda yadda".


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