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Re: GNOME-2 transition: a first complaint

Bastien Nocera <hadess@hadess.net> writes:

> On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 17:17, Marek Habersack wrote:
> > As I wrote previously, the options I've been asked about (and it happens
> > that I've been using them myself) were the workspace switching wrap option,
> > the opaque vs. wireframe move/resize options. For me it's just a matter of
> > personal preference - I don't like the visual effect of moving a full window
> > or resizing a full window - but people who asked me have slightly older and
> > slower hardware where the video card simply doesn't do well when a full
> > window is dragged/resized. That's about the only options I'd like to see
> > configurable somewhere.
> The only person I heard on this list complaining has a 486. The class of
> computers we are (loosely) targetting for Gnome is a 300 Mhz machine
> with above 32 megs of ram (it probably works on slower machines,
> depending on the arch, the pieces of software you usually run, etc.)
> Thinking of running a modern desktop on a 486 is just a dream.
> (BTW, metacity has "workspace switching wrap option", I added it,
> because I used it with Window Maker, and it made sense).
> > > > Hmm, another question has just popped up in my mind. Looking at the lack
> > > > of the window manager configuration applet in the control panel and
> > > > reading some messages here and there I've gotten the impression that GNOME
> > > > is aiming at tight window manager integration with the desktop (kind of
> > > > the KDE one) - is that true or is it just my (incorrect) impression?
> > > 
> > > We're definitely aiming for tight integration (why wouldn't we?) but there's
> > That's ok as long as the integration isn't too tight - as to the point where
> > one cannot switch to a different window manager.
> Why is the focal point of this community on "window managers" ? I don't
> see any KDE people whinging about the fact that they can only run kwin
> (or whatever the latest version of it is called). Sawfish has a lot of
> shortcomings, the main one being that nobody really understands its
> code, and that John is busy.
> Just like there's only one file-manager supported in Gnome, there could
> well be only one window manager supported. Sounds cool to me.
> > > Most of your questions would be best answered on GNOME's desktop-devel-list,
> > > rather than the Debian package maintainer's list.
> > I guess you're right ;) - it's just that something inside me is against
> > subscribing to yet another voluminous mailing list, haha :)). But I suppose
> > that would be the right way :)
> *shrug* Talk to your dog rather than to your doctor, when you feel sick,
> the doctor lives too far, right ?
> -- 
> /Bastien Nocera
> http://hadess.net

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