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[OT] Re: Rappel pour les abonnements aux listes sur udius.com

Le 12418ième jour après Epoch,
mailman-owner@udius.com écrivait:

> Mots de passe pour debian-handheld@lists.debian.org: List                                     Password // URL
> ----                                     --------  
> I3tv@udius.com                           doerhu    
> http://mail.udius.com/mailman/options/i3tv_udius.com/debian-handheld%40lists.debian.org

Did somebody know why d-h is member of this list? Archives of i3tv are
empty (or close of), and no description is available.

Maybe can we unsubscribe ? What is listmaster point of view ?

I know you believe you understand what you think this fortune says, but
I'm not sure you realize that what you are reading is not what it means.

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