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Another dumb question

I am new to the Hurd but after much help have got it running.  I have
got a a tar ball, settransed, is that the word,  /home and another
partition, and mouted some swap space.

I have down loaded several deb files and have got gcc, make, and
emacs20, plus a few others such as m4, mig and any others needed to
build things.  I have down loaded the latest bash source and compiled it
under Hurd.  It worked perfectly, so I replaced /bin/bash with the new
version.  The Hurd here is totally stable and will compile for several
hours with no problems.

What I want to do is to build the Hurd, and see if I can be of some use
to you.  I downloaded   gnumach.tar from the site above that is also
carrying vim.  This made a new gnumach that was much smaller than the
existing one.  I tried running it and it failed at boot saying "Unable
to load hd1s1/gnu/boot/servers.boot", the correct gnumach loads it with
no problem.  I suspect that I need to load more libraries and that I am
just linking with stubs.

I have also down loaded the Hurd using CVS as described in an earlier
posting.  The version that I got lacked a configure script in the
directory so I got one from hurd_19991022;  probably my next big
mistake.  After several hours building it failed in the  serversboot
directory.  The line in the Makefile was:

OBJS = $(subst .c,.o,$(SRCS)) boot_script.o

boot_script.o  is in     ../boot/bootscript.o

Tried correcting this, either by substituting /bbot/bootscript.o or
deleting boot_script.o.  In both cases, after hours more building, the
link of serversboot fails with many missing modules.  Mostly of type
ports_create_port, but many others.

Am I missing some libraries or making some mistake?

Please let me how down load sufficient to get the Hurd to make itself?
Many thanks for your help so far

Chris Lingard

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