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Re: help with plugin versions and maven-debian-helper

On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 11:07:14PM +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 2023-02-09 19:39, Joe Nahmias a écrit :
> > Thanks for all your help. I think I managed to figure this out finally.
> > I've put my repo on salsa here:
> > https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jackson-modules-java8
> > 
> > Anyone care to do a(n in-depth) review before I upload?
> Great! Here is my review:
> - Don't build the -java-doc package, that's useless

Um, why do you say it's useless?

> - The Maven wrapper should be removed (mwn* and .mvn/wrapper/*)

Yeah, I thought about that only after I did the repack...

> - I'd use the default gbp branch layout (master/upstream/pristine-tar)
>   instead of the DEP 14 layout (debian/latest). Most Java packages
>   follow the gbp layout and it's important all packages remain consistent.

ACK. That's an easy fix

> - Drop the +ds suffix

Why? Isn't that traditionally used to show a repack?

> - debian/changelog doesn't close an ITP bug

Yeah, I never opened one.

> - Why declaring a Provides field on virtual packages? That's unusual

Okay, I was thinking it would help discoverability, but I can certainly
drop it.

> The content of the binary package is perfect. Nice trick in debian/control
> to reuse the same description, I didn't know that was possible.

Thanks, I only learned of it a few months ago.

> Emmanuel Bourg

Much appreciated,

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