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Re: BioPuppy

Le Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 02:33:45PM -0000, prakash srinivasan a écrit :
>    I am here. Myself, Prakash from India, started BioPuppy project. I came
>    to know about this Debian-Med project through Steffen. I am really
>    happy to contribute with Debian-Med project and encouraged BioPuppy to
>    add debian packages with BioPuppy Linux.
>    Reg the MGL Tool, I used bin file to install it in BioPuppy. Some of
>    tools, i took rpm package and converted it into .deb and then installed
>    in BioPuppy Linux. I am ready to help you from my side.

Hello Prakash,

when you use our Debian packages, feel free to let us know of any issue,
improvement, addition you made, etc. via this mailing list. If you like
using the .deb format, we can provide you some guidance to make packages
by yourself, that we could then re-use on Debian Med. One of the things
we miss is user feedback to prioritise our work. If you feel or are told
that some tools are missing in our collection, please let us know!

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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