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Re: Re: BioPuppy

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 Charles Plessy wrote :

>Hello Prakash,
>when you use our Debian packages, feel free to let us know of any issue,
>improvement, addition you made, etc. via this mailing list. If you like
>using the .deb format, we can provide you some guidance to make packages
>by yourself, that we could then re-use on Debian Med. One of the things
>we miss is user feedback to prioritise our work. If you feel or are told
>that some tools are missing in our collection, please let us know!

Dear Charles Plessy,
Basically, I am lagging in getting contributions for BioPuppy from Biology side. The people are downloaded BioPuppy & interested to use it; But less than one percentage of people are return back to the contribution. I hope one day they will come back for contribution. Coz, they started to use Linux [ Like BioPuppy. This is the situation in India. No idea about in other countries ]. Early they used to work the same tools in Windows environment.
I have sent a mail about Debian-med project to local LUG groups and some Bioinformatics forums & communities. I am looking forward from them reg the contribution.
I asked them to go through the Biology packages available in Debeian-Med. Let you know, after I got the feedbacks & suggestion from them reg the packages. I would like to contribute here, upto my level of best.

Thanks & Regards,

Rediff Shopping

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