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Re: multi-source package

On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 12:27:34PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> Adam Heath (aka doogie) has a build sytem like this:
> root
>    source
>    diff(s)
> the source that is released is a tar starting at root (so it is included).

Thats what I was thinking of myself. Are there any tools to automate

Ok - let me think out aloud. This is my first impressions
of the problems I may encounter. Assume that you need:

X.tgz which untars into directory X
Y.tgz which untars into directory Y

The source tree structure would look like


(This isn't quite what I want, but one step at a time. In the
final version Y should unpack under X, ie mypackage/X/Y. Maybe
a symlink could be used. ).

How would you create the diffs for X and Y? Maybe dpkg-source
could be used. In which case you need a control file for each
source package (I think). Therefore, it would look like:


I am still not sure if dpkg-source supports TAR files, there is not
point in compressing a TGZ file inside another TGZ file. Perhaps the
-su and -sr options do this. Nor do I know how you would create the
source package for mypackage. 

The steps to do this would like something like this:
- create diff file for X and Y.
- delete X directory and Y directory. Yuck - I don't like this.
- create diff file for mypackage.

...or maybe I should consider it as three seperate source files, and
manually move the generated source files and diffs from X and Y to
mypackage? This sounds messy and prone to error - I don't particularly
like it.

I imagine building the binary package should be easy, so I want
go into details here.

Brian May <bam@snoopy.apana.org.au>

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