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Re: Subversion repository layout

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 01:03:24 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> >> I was thinking we could use packages-pending so that non-DDs would
> >> just copy the trunks they worked with over there. When a DD notices
> >> there is a package in -pending, he just assumes it is ready to be
> >> uploaded. 
> > Hm, and how would the DDs notice?
> By combination of mailing list notification and polling. Here's an
> example with the recent update to newer upstream versions. (with a bit
> of humour that is intended to actually be a credit)

> - Gregor prepares a heap of updated packages and posts a message to the
> mailing lest.
> - Various DDs pick some packages by whatever order they wish, upload
> them and remove them from packages-pending


Ok, i.e. the -pending tree would be some kind of a dynamic TODO list.
I start to like the idea, especially because ...
> The problem with ML-only variant that *I* have is that I can't easily
> tell what packages still need uploading. I have to compare several mails
> and this can easily go wrong. (not that it would be fatal, but still)

... I tend to lose track in the mails, too ;-)
> Perhaps we can give that a try without too much trouble?

Sounds like a plan.

Maybe /pending might be more appropriate than duplicating the
/packages branch into /packages-pending (assuming the potential new
repo layout -- which doesn't have /packages anymore anyway :))?

Good night,
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