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Re: python packaging questions

OoO En  cette nuit  striée d'éclairs du  mercredi 16 janvier  2008, vers
02:29, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu@ubuntu.com> disait:

>> * For specifying supported Python versions, the policy recommends using
>> XS/B-Python, whereas the python-support documentation recommends
>> debian/pyversions. Which method should be used or does it not matter?
>> What when using python-central?

> If you use pycentral, X[SB]-Python-Version. If you use pysupport you can use
> either, but  I'd go  for XS-Python-Version for  consistency (pysupport
> will generate debian/pyversions at build time).

For python-support, the README states:

*** You don't need X[BS]-Python-Version fields. You don't need ***
*** debian/pycompat. You don't need to call dh_python after    ***
*** dh_pysupport. Just remove all of these.                    ***

There  is  no  README  for  python-central,  so  I  don't  know  if  its
requirements  have been  updated in  this  area. The  new Debian  Python
policy  should  be   updated  in  this  regard  because   it  is  a  bit
confusing. Since I am confused  myself, I'll wait for more authoritative
answer. :)
 /* Am I fucking pedantic or what? */
	2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.h

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