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Re: List of packages of Python team that have no autopkgtest

On Tue, 19 Jul 2022 07:59:12 +0200
Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:

> Hi Zigo,
> you asked me for a list of packages without autopkgtest sorted by
> popcon value as we create it for Debian Med team also for Python
> team.  I've simply added it to the Debian Med dir for simplicity -
> feel free to take over the code (or suggest some better place).  Here
> ist the list
>     https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/helper-scripts/-/blob/master/python-team-tests.txt
> which is created by the script I'm using for Debian Med and Debian
> Science[1].  It will be refreshed by a daily cron job.

It seems to be a list of source packages, yet it contains duplicates
(pelican appears twice, for example, as does python-git). autopkgtest
is source-package based, so can this be fixed? Maybe take the highest
popcon of all binaries from each single source package?

Neil Williams

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