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gearing up for the next freeze

Greetings fellow testers,

Ok, my life has been crazy lately.  Moved out on my own for the first time
about a month ago.  I'm about to go on training for 3 weeks starting
this coming sunday.  A few techies may be in fear of my wrath if they
don't manage to get me my laptop before then.  But, in the mist of all
this craziness, I should always have a few hours to give on the weekends
and hope to have enough access to keep things rolling.  So lets get

I need a few good testers.  The cd group is working on their plans and
would like to have some addresses available to send cd's to be tested.
I'm looking for a name and address first, and available hardware second.
If you have a bootable cdrom, laptop, scsi card, foreign language,
different platform, etc, you may want to mention that.  The quantity of
cd's will be based on the availability of testers, generosity of the
vendors, and in the long term, your response.  If you are interested, send
me a private email and I'll try to sort things out.

I also plan on setting up a list of things to test during the freeze as
I've done before.  I'll try to get that and a website up before the freeze
this time.  We are still a ways off, but there is lots of hope to make
these things shorter.  I'm hoping we can help.

Hang on tight, this will be interesting,
Brandon (assistant director or something of testing)

--------  Brandon Mitchell  ----  bmitch@surfree.com  --------------
------------  http://bmitch.dhis.org/  ----  ICQ: 30631197  --------

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