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Re: FW: Linux on Toshiba 105CS

Brent Fulgham <bfulgham@xpsystems.com> writes:

> Here are some comments on the current potato install from a co-worker of
> mine.  He did an install on a Toshiba laptop.

First let's clarify.  There *are* not potato boot-floppies yet.  The
current boot floppies are the same in potato and slink.

> I think that the way dpkg/dselect currently handles installs (if I
> understand it correctly) may be a bit inefficient in terms of disk usage.

To clarify here, this is entirely dependent on the underlying
"acquisition method".  I.e., apt, dpkg-multicd, etc.

> I realize that time concerns may be paramount, but since it never
> deletes archives as you install (until the ENTIRE set of packages
> has been installed) you need more and more disk space as you
> install.  My workaround with Aron was to do installs of smaller sets
> of packages when using a low disk-space machine.  However, as he
> notes in his mail, this is not compatible with our task/use oriented
> package lists.

Right.  However, I would expect that for potato, we will have one and
only one supported installtion method: apt.  This handles multi-cd,
network, local file systems, etc.

When apt is installing via CDROM or NFS, it does not copy the .deb
anywhere locally.  Only when apt is downloading from the network
(i.e., ftp or http options) does it put stuff in

I agree apt should be mindful of the amount of room in
/var/cache/apt/archives, i.e., cycling through and installing/removing
packages as it goes.  But this is complex and I rather doubt this
feature will be implemented.

However, I don't see this as a big problem since 95% of people will be
installing from CDROM.  If they *do* need to install over the network,
we should maybe have a publicly exported NFS (or coda??) file server
somewhere on the net.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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