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Re: Changes in t1lib.

On 17.01.04 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:


> I tried, but I couldn't find libt1-dev nowhere. I looked in
> experimental and unstable, there's only t1lib-dev-1.3.1-6 and
> 1.3.1-8. With this version it compiles without warnings in a
> pbuilder chroot.

> I finally found the sources for t1lib_5 in the pool. It seems the
> maintainer uploaded only ia64 binaries, and they have not yet been
> compiled for any other architecture. Well, it compiles and installs
> without problems on i386.
Well, I suggest to contact Artur R. Czechowski about that.

> tetex-bin compiles without errors and unusual warnings with
> libt1-dev_5.0.0 (there are many compiler warnings, but none from
> the linker). There are warnings from dh_shlibdeps
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find path for libkpathsea.so.3
> but this seems to be a pbuilder problem (it's the same when
> compiling t1lib).
Well, this should appear on every build of tetex-bin. Have for example
a look at
. This message should only disappear if libkpathsea is installed on
the build system, which is obviously not the case in a pbuilder
environment. Please change


in debian/rules to

        dh_shlibdeps -l `pwd`/debian/libkpathsea3/usr/lib

and tell us if that helps you. Should be the case.
    Question to all of us: Isn't it possible to remove the file
debian/shlibs.local by calling

        dh_makeshlibs -V 'libkpathsea3 (>= 2.0-1)'

instead of just

        dh_makeshlibs -V


> Unfortunately, I don't know which programs to run for testing the
> function. Does anybody have an idea?
Well every program linked with that lib? The originator of the change
should be able to give you exact informations, what/how to test.

He's dead, Jim.
		-- McCoy, "The Devil in the Dark", stardate 3196.1

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