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Re: Dain Bramaged

strombrg@hydra.acs.uci.edu (Dan Stromberg)  wrote on 05.04.96 in <[🔎] 3165A027.22ED@hydra.acs.uci.edu>:

> Intent is one thing.  Impact is another.
> "I tried to put a downspin on the ping-pong ball, but had a weak grip on
> my paddle, so the ball floated just past the edge of the table."
> "I tried to convey an idea, but used language with overtones (for some)
> I hadn't intended, and hence failed to communicate my message as
> accurately as I'd hoped"
> The two are sometimes closely related, but should never be confused for
> each other.

Well, let me just state that this is the first time, ever, that I have  
seen someone take exception to this use of "brain-damaged". It is also the  
first time, ever, that I have seen it used in a medical context, or in  
fact in any context different from the usage that this someone took  
exception to.

My personal conclusion, thus, is to keep jusing it just like before. The  
amount of people that do have problems with the overtones seems small  
enough that, sorry, I just don't care that I might have problems  
communicating with them.

Besides, I detest political correctness.

MfG Kai

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