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Re: Beer Swap (was Re: Volume on -devel)

> Alright I can't not say anything anymore.  How can you justify limiting
> non-developers by saying they add nothing pertinient to Debian
> developement when you are participating in a thread that doesn't belong on
> -devel? (UK get together)
> Just because it is developers getting together doesn't make this list an
> appropriate forum for it.  If the act of *being* a developer makes your
> threads, regardless of content or pertinence, justified then the whole
> list is a farce in the first place.

You're absolutely right, and I apologise for adding to the volume -- I
should have just emailed the proponent directly.

But then maybe the idea of a debian-socialize list or the like would
be a good idea: have the intention announced on -devel and move the
negotiations to -socialize.  Then one only need subscribe to
-socialize when something of personal interest is happening.  Or maybe
we could have a -socialize announce list....

Then again, would we need to lists: -socialize for the Yanks and
-socialise for the Pommes?  ;-)



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
             Debian GNU/Linux Developer.  jdg@debian.org
       -*- Finger jdg@master.debian.org for my PGP public key. -*-

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