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Re: help with plugin versions and maven-debian-helper

Le 2023-02-10 15:01, Thorsten Glaser a écrit :

DevRef § indicates that using such a suffix for *all* repacked
origtgz is better.

Almost all our packages are repacked, that's pointless and brings
no useful information.


"may use packagename-upstream-version+dfsg (or any other suffix which is
added to the tarball name) as the name of the top-level directory in its
tarball. This makes it possible to distinguish pristine tarballs from
repackaged ones."

The 'may' requirement for the suffix is very weak. The Lintian
repackaged-source-not-advertised warning should be downgraded
to pedantic.

Our time is limited, let's focus on important things.

Emmanuel Bourg

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