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Re: gem2deb status update

Lucas Nussbaum escreveu isso aí:
> I've uploaded a new version of gem2deb with the current git version,
> this time to unstable.
> Before that, I also made a change to allow to build only for specific
> ruby versions. I haven't added any tests, it would be great if someone
> could review the code and add some tests.

Writing a test suite will probably induce some refactoring, but the
semantics look good.

> I'm now going to push ruby1.8 / ruby-defaults / ruby1.9.1 to unstable.
> After that, I think that we could try to package a dozen of libs with
> gem2deb, and upload them to unstable, to get a better idea of what is
> still missing.

Maybe we could start with gem2deb's own build dependencies. I will
update shoulda and mocha when I have some time.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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